Video: Habitat for Horses

This video is a few years old, but it is still true to this very day. Habitat for Horses rescues starving, neglected and/or abused horses. It is our mission to aid law enforcement with their horse abuse investigations, aid them with seizures, rehabilitate the horses in our care and find them new homes. In fact, we have only grown in our ability to help. None of this could happen our most vital partners – YOU – our supporters. Without your donations, we cannot exist. That is the truth. Some of the images maybe a bit disturbing. It is never easy to see horses that have been mistreated. People I speak to about Habitat for Horses are always amazed that so many horses are mistreated. Unfortunately that is the world we live in. We are working hard to bring justice and hope for a better life to these most majestic of God’s creatures.
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