Act now: Horses need your help!


Please read this urgent call to action from Keith Dane, Senior Advisor for Equine Protection and Rural Affairs at the Humane Society of the United States. Horses everywhere are under attack, and they need their human advocates to speak out against their slaughter. Below, you’ll find easy and effective ways to make your voice heard and protect our equine friends. ~HFH

Dear fellow equine advocates,

As you likely know, last Wednesday we lost a very close vote in the U.S. House Appropriations Committee on horse slaughter. You can read Wayne Pacelle’s blog about that vote for more background. If we don’t stop the funding for USDA horsemeat inspections in the Senate, horse slaughter plants will open again on U.S. soil. We can’t let that happen, and we need your help.

This Thursday morning, July 20, the Senate Appropriations Committee will be voting on this issue as part of the agriculture appropriations bill. The good news is that Senators Udall (NM) and Graham (SC) will be offering a good amendment to defund USDA inspections of horse slaughter plants, which is critical to keeping horse slaughter plants shuttered in the U.S.  It is critical that we win this vote in the Senate Appropriations Committee, and we’ve got a good shot at it.  If your senator is on this Committee (see list below), we need your help.

Take Two Actions:

1)      Call Your Senator! Just call your senator’s office by Wednesday afternoon on the number provided below. Here’s all  you have to say: “My name is <your name> and I am a voting constituent in <your city>. I am calling to urge Senator <your senator> to please vote YES on the Udall-Graham amendment to keep horse slaughter plants closed in the U.S. when this issue comes up for a vote as part of the Agriculture Appropriations Bill in the Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday.”

2)      Tweet!  You can find your senator’s Twitter handle using a Google search, such as “Senator ____ Twitter”.  Here’s a sample tweet:  .@<your senator’s Twitter handle> Please vote Yes on the Udall-Graham amendment to keep horse slaughter plants closed in the U.S.!


POST DATE: 07/17/2017