
People often say, "It’s so wonderful what you do — saving horses". The truth is none of this would be possible without you. Each time you make a donation, we are able to buy the medicine, pay the vet, purchase special feed… do all the things needed to save more horses. Your donation is the key to bringing these horses back from the dark world of starvation and leading them to a place of health, hope and love. Let us take a look at how your gift saved the life of one horse — Mingo.
It all started weeks before when someone spotted horses abandoned at a stable. By the time our rescue squad arrived, two of the horses were not able to stand. They were carefully loaded onto special sleds and taken to vets who desperately tried to bring them back. The veterinarians worked all night, occasionally rolling the horses to keep pressure off damaged nerves. It was January, and the horses’ temperatures had dropped well below normal. Special blankets were brought in to warm them, IV drips gave them fluids and medicine and our staff watched over them like parents watch over a sick child.
Unfortunately it was too late, and these two passed on.

Mingo and his two companions had a different outcome. They were taken to Habitat for Horses’ hospital barn for an evaluation and emergency treatments. Mingo's mane and tail were packed with burrs, his bones stood out and his belly was swollen from parasites. He was typical of almost every horse we bring in, but he was special — as special as every horse that passes through our gate.
“We’ll make you healthy again,” I whispered to him. “Life will be good from now on. I promise.”
His first several weeks would be spent on special feed to help him gain weight, medicines for the parasites and other infections that ravaged his body and a great deal of loving care by our staff and volunteers.
When law enforcement brings a case of animal abuse to court, Habitat for Horses is there with our investigators and expert witnesses to make certain that all the facts are brought before the judge. When court day came for Mingo and his friends, the person that starved these horses had no defense against the pictures and testimony. Although the two had passed away, Mingo and two others were awarded to Habitat for Horses.
Without you, this simply would not have happened. Twenty years ago, before Habitat for Horses existed, law enforcement had to deal with neglect and abuse situations on their own. With no place to put the horses before trial and no money for medical treatment, neglect cases were seldom enforced. In the few cases where horses were removed from the owner, they often ended up at the local auction.
Things are different now — because of YOU. Your donations allow Habitat for Horses to be involved in saving the lives of hurt, starving horses.
Our staff, doctors, volunteers... all of them worked to save Mingo and his companions because people like you cared enough to become involved. Saving the life of each magnificent horse — bringing them back to health — sending them off to loving homes — this is what you achieve when you support Habitat for Horses.
Mingo is almost ready to go to his new forever home. It takes months of treatment, care and training to heal a horse that has gone through abuse and neglect. If you live in the state of Texas and would love to give one of his pals a new forever home, contact us at 409-935-0277.