Update on one of the Galveston rescues: Minuet - a Haflinger cross beauty!


This pretty Bay Tobiano Haflinger Cross came to Habitat for Horses from the Galveston Island rescue made back in January 2015. Our trainer did an evaluation of Minuet’s skills just a few days ago.

Her ground manners are very gentle, slow enough for small children or beginning riders. Minuet stands tied with no problems – and enjoys being groomed. Our trainers tried riding her in both Western and English styles – it is obvious that Minuet prefers Western. .  She walks, trots & canters with verbal and very little leg cues in both disciplines.  Her whoa is all verbal from a trot/canter to a walk but you need to be physical to get from a walk to a full halt.  Her back up is nice as well. 

She also enjoys learning new skills – she caught on quickly when shown how to do a small jump while riding English style. She does show resistance to being led away from the place where she is fed, but we will be starting her on a training program later in June to help her drop that habit. All around a wonderful ride – a “great little gal” as our trainer says. She has come a long way from when she first entered our gates in January 2015! Give us a call to find out more: 409-935-0277.

POST DATE: 06/03/2015