Medical Maggot Therapy for Horses - Yes...Maggots


Maggots – GROSS! Yes, but maggots can be used to effectively “clean” wounds. Do not do this without consulting your veterinarian…that should be absolutely understood. WARNING – there are pictures of maggots cleaning a wound on a horse in the actual article! Sensitive folk may feel sick to their stomach upon viewing…. ~ HfH

From: Horse & Man

Today, the selfless Founder Warrior drove the 5+ hours round trip to help Mama Tess again.

This time she brought the medical maggots.


Well, MT has so much necrotic (dead) and infected material in her left foot from the horrible founder, inflammations and infection/abscesses, we are afraid of an infection migrating to her coffin bone.

We need to get that old, dead tissue out of there so she can heal – instead of her body trying to expel all that by itself and continuing to deform her foot in the process.

Especially since there is less circulation in her hooves due to the founder (remember that awful venogram…). Antibiotics do not reach this area well… and maggots are quicker and less stressful for the horse.

For me, I just want her to get better. Fast. I want the infection to be gone.

So, bring in the little buggers!

These particular maggots are grown in a sterile environment. Their entire goal is to eat necrotic tissue. All of it. Eat, eat, eat. That’s all they do. Eat and grow.

POST DATE: 10/25/2014