Wild horse roundups not the best way to control population


Everyone interested in the fate of the wild horses of the United States should write a letter to their local newspaper, post your views on Facebook and Twitter – simply spread the word that our government is set to destroy the wild horse herds. We can put a stop to this. First thing – the public needs to be made aware of the terrible fate awaiting many of these horses. Many of you have done this, please keep at it! Wild horse round ups are NOT the best way to control their population. ~ HfH

From: Fremont County’s Daily Ranger Letter to the Editor
By: Sharon N. Cairn-Chaddick, Burns, Ore.


I am hoping people in Wyoming will read this. The BLM and the wild horse and a burro department are rounding up thousands of our wild horses and burros. A lot of times this information doesn’t make it back to the East.

Kansas and Oklahoma are pasturing hundreds of our horses. Many more horses and burros are being taken to prisons in Colorado and Arizona. Many horses and burros are sold at Internet auction, then trucked to New York, Texas and Florida, where they are sold by the pound for horse meat.

Many of these horses are sold for $125 and driven free to buyers who plan to sell the horses by the pound in Mexico.

The horses sold at auction are not followed up on like our other horses, so we won’t know the buyers don’t have to wait a year to sell them to the killers.

In Washington State the Indian tribes are selling hundreds of horses to Canadian killers. Foals under 6 months old can’t be sold, so they are left behind, some as young as a week old. There are people trying to care for them, but it is nearly impossible.

The BLM and wild horse and burro people seem not to care about our horses and burros. Here in the West, there is plenty of land for our horses and burros. This land was given to them in perpetuity, a gift to the peoples of the USA, but now the landowners and oil and gas companies want the land.

In Wyoming, the land is a checkerboard. 2,Two thousand horses were rounded up. Many will die. Where I live, the BLM corral keeps from 600 to 800 horses corralled. About 100 give birth to foals in this corral. I saw one foal the spring with a broken leg. Next time I visited, it wasn’t there.

To the BLM, these horses and burros are just numbers. The BLM is getting ready to send horses and burros back east. Many will die, but if we can make the public aware of what is going on, some will live.

The population of these horses and burros can easily be controlled by other means than sending the horse meat to China and France. Please read this letter, and maybe a horse or burro’s life will be saved.

Read Original Letter

POST DATE: 09/15/2014