The Love of Horses – Willie Nelson Video


Just in case you have not heard – Willie Nelson and HRTV have come with a new video: The Love of Horses. Habitat for Horses is acknowledged in this video for all the work we have done: to stop horse slaughter, to keep horses that live in the wild in their habitat, of course for our work to help prevent abuse and neglect to horses and for our efforts to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home abused horses and bring their abusers to justice. None of this would happen without supporters like Willie Nelson and YOU. Every single person who has donated – be it their money or their time – has been there with us. It is all done for The Love of Horses.

Watch Willie Nelson’s Video: The Love of Horses. It is a beautiful heartwarming video that will hopefully inspire others to show their support for The Love of Horses.

POST DATE: 12/29/2014