Horses from Conroe,TX abuse case will soon be in the care of Habitat for Horses.
The images are shocking. Horses with hooves that have never been trimmed, hardly able to walk because they are in so much pain. Horses hardly able to stand, their bodies reduced to skeletons. Not just one or two horses … over two hundred. Fortunately, justice is being served against the owners, as the civil case against Herman and Kathleen Hoffman, of Calico Dairy Farm just north of Houston in Conroe, Texas lost the case in court. Employees of the Hoffmans could not longer stand by and allow horses to die painful, needless deaths. Over 30 horses died from neglect and starvation. The surviving horses have now been rescued and are in critical need of care. Habitat for Horses is here to help.
On Monday July 6th a group of mares will be brought to our rehabilitation center in Hitchcock, Texas where we have a critical care barn equipped to handle the worst cases of abuse. We work with vets and have a staff trained in aiding horses recover from the brink of death. The equipment, medicine, food and medical expertise is not free – and our support comes from the public – you.
There are 38 stallions that are in critical need of a place to temporarily stay in the Houston area. Neither our facilities nor the Houston SPCA can handle so many ungelded horses. Please spread the word. Contact our office at 409-935-0277 if you or someone you know can temporarily stable 38 stallions.
Turning away is impossible at this time. These horses are innocent and need our help. Employees who worked at Calico Dairy Farm speak of horses left in the sun to literally bake. Horses with flies living in open wounds. Horses left with no food – their bodies withering away to nothing. A 3 month old colt was carried out, too far starved to go on. Over 200 horses have survived – just barely. They need your help. Your support will save their lives.
This is an emergency situation and your support is desperately needed. Our facilities are already past full, but we simply cannot let a call for help go unanswered. There are situations where pleas from law enforcement or another nonprofit simply must be responded to with full and complete support. This is one of those situations.
Several years ago, Habitat for Horses found ourselves at the Three Strikes Ranch in Nebraska with 220 starved horses. Not long after, we were on the ground in Montana with 1,600 animals. Both times we put out a plea for assistance, and help came from across the nation.
Rescue organizations working together can be far more effective than trying to handle a seizure of this size alone. We will do whatever we can to save the lives of these starved, neglected horses – but please – WE NEED YOUR HELP. The added cost of medical, dental, farrier and labor will tear apart our already thin budget.
Please donate what you can to help us handle this emergency situation.

**UPDATE** The 38 Stallions now have found a temporary home – thank you!!! ~ HfH