Happy Sunday! Funny video and Billy gets a new home!


Back on April 29th, we posted an article about Billy – a wonderful older horse. He is so gentle, a big guy who will make a great babysitter or beginning horse. Clare fell in love with Billy and has adopted him. How wonderful for Billy to have found his forever home!

Here is Billy with Clare meeting Tyque for the first time – his new friend!

Clare introduces Billy to Tyque

Remember, we have plenty of horses to choose from – you too could fall in love with a new 4 legged friend. All of our horses came to us in need – many were abused or neglected by their previous owners. They have been rehabilitated – in body and spirit – so they can now go on to be with their new forever family.

Billy greets some more pasture pals – Toby and Doodle Bug.

Billy meeting Toby and Doodle Bug!

And now for something different. Our staff drives around Texas a great deal. We have several ranches in the Lone Star State. We also work with law enforcement throughout this big state of ours with horse abuse / neglect investigations ….so we drive around all the time. Habitat for Horses’ Executive Director, Rebecca Williams, took this funny video while on one of her many journeys across the state – enjoy!

POST DATE: 05/24/2015