Picture perfect moments ruined as pets photo-bomb their owners
Jerry shared this with me – he is busy doing what he loves – helping horses – and could not post it himself. Made me laugh out loud! Your HfH Web Mistress
From UK Daily Mail Online
By CHRIS PLEASANCE Sept 14th, 2013
Animal prints: Picture perfect moments ruined as pets photo-bomb their owners (and each other!) with hilarious results
With digital cameras and computer programs you can do almost anything to pictures these days.
But even the most tech-savvy of photographers might struggle to fix these snaps after the unwitting subjects found themselves ‘photobombed’ by an array of animals.
From humorous horses to curious cats, if there’s one thing these photos show it’s that no creature can be trusted around a camera.
Home and holiday snaps are both undone by unruly hounds sneaking their way into the frame.
In one series of pictures a dog can be seen peeking out from behind a bed, a kitchen counter and a dining table as one homeowner attempts to photograph their property for rent.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2420652/Hay-Photo-bombing-horse-pets-prove-picture-safe.html