Happy Mother's Day from Habitat for Horses

Moms provide the glue that keep a family or herd together. Their strength and caring is the first major life imprint we receive. Here are some “Mom” moments we experienced here at Habitat for Horses.
Recently at our ranch in Manvel, Texas, we were blessed when Alma – who was rescued last fall – gave birth to Cisco Kid. They are the cutest pair. Here is a few pictures and a video of them:

Alma and her baby Everyone enjoyed watching Alma and her foal
During our 2014 Spring Photo Contest, Lauri Barr submitted the winning photo of her horse Rhiannon greeting her daughter and yet-to-be-born grandson Levi. It was a very touching new Mom moment.
You can read more about this winning Mom photo here and see pictures of baby Levi: http://www.habitatforhorses.org/an-awwww-so-cute-moment-baby-and-horse-and-the-fiddle/

Last fall, we rescued Jessica the donkey and her baby Hollis. Jessica was such a good mom, unfortunately Hollis was born with a serious life threatening defect. So many of our readers prayed and sent support to help them out. Hollis, after much care by the Texas A&M Vets, passed – his mother stayed close by until the end. She is now in sanctuary with us. Jessica’s love was felt by so many who read about her. A mother’s love knows no bounds.
Jessica watching over her baby