A Green Horse? It must be St. Patrick's Day


Everyone is a bit Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day – even your horse! Habitat for Horses’ Spring “Horse” photo contest is all about Saint Patrick’s Day. Take a picture of your horse, pony, mini, donkey, mule – any equine pal will do – dressed in their best “St Patty’s Day” outfit. Then enter our photo contest – you could win a prize! All while spreading the word about the good work Habitat for Horses does. Habitat for Horses aids law enforcement investigations of equine abuse and neglect. With your support, we rehabilitate these horses so they can find their loving forever homes.  Enter your horse’s St Patrick’s Day picture and help support our cause! 

Entering this contest is very easy.  Just go to our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Habitat.for.Horses.org, then click on the tab that says: St Patty’s Day Photo Contest. You will need to be a Facebook user and be logged in to enter or vote. After a photo is uploaded to the contest page, it will be posted on Facebook for your friends and the public to like. The photo with the most likes that the Habitat for Horses’ staff deem is the best one that fits the theme will win a Habitat for Horses’ Engraved Knife! See more information about the knife on our store: http://www.habitatforhorses.org/support-us/habitat-for-horses-online-store/.

The contest began February 17th, 2015. The contest ends at approximately midnight March 16th, 2015. As entries are uploaded, the photos will posted to the our page’s wall. Be sure to share to let your friends vote!  The winner will be announced on March 17th, 2015. Habitat for Horses will contact the winner by email to receive their shipping information to receive the prize: A Habitat for Horses’ Engraved Knife.

POST DATE: 02/25/2015