9 Stunning Driftwood Horse Sculptures


Works of art exalting the beauty of horses has been done in many different forms. This artist’s use of driftwood is indeed stunning. ~ HfH

From: Horse Collaborative
By: Carley Sparks

Some horses feel “wooden.” These ones actually are.

British artist James Doran Webb creates life-sized animal sculptures using driftwood and recycled metal. Exploring themes of movement and survival, each project can take thousands of hours of work and utilizes driftwood he’s been collecting for over 20 years. This large supply of wood, says the artist, “has made it possible for him to find the pieces which most lend themselves to the natural form and shape needed to give his animals the movement and reality he strives to obtain in every piece he creates.” We just think it looks cool.

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POST DATE: 12/12/2014