Alyssa Milano Wants Better Treatment for Horses


Its good to seeing more well known names supporting the PAST Act! ~ HfH

From: Humane Society of the United States

Actress calls on Congress to pass the PAST Act, which would prevent the soring of Tennessee walking horses.

Longtime animal advocate and star of ABC’s Mistresses, Alyssa Milano, has sent an appeal to Congress to protect horses from abuse by swiftly passing the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act, H.R. 1518/S. 1406.

This legislation would amend the Horse Protection Act of 1970 to stop the grisly practice of inflicting pain to Tennessee walking horses through training techniques known as “soring”.

The Humane Society of the United States also urges Congress to enact the PAST Act quickly.

“Through the use of caustic chemicals and abusive shoeing techniques that create constant pressure and pain, the horse is forced to perform an unnatural, exaggerated gait known as the ‘Big Lick.’ I am the proud owner of gaited horses and am writing to urge you to co-sponsor crucial legislation that will protect these vulnerable animals from a repugnant training practice.”

POST DATE: 01/18/2014