Hollis, the baby donkey, update - he is out of surgery

Rescue Story

Hollis, the baby donkey, survived surgery at the Veterinarian Hospital at Texas A & M, College Station. For those who do not know the story: His mother was pregnant, abandoned and starving in Austin, when the Travis County Sheriff’s department picked her up just a few weeks ago. She gave birth to a very adorable, seemingly healthy foal. The little donkey’s pluck really struck a chord with Sheriff’s Department. They named him “Hollis” after Travis County Senior Deputy Jessica Hollis who passed away while checking a low water crossing in Austin during a severe storm on the same day he was born.

A few days later that it was discovered that Hollis was having trouble breathing. This baby donkey was very lucky that his Mama had been rescued by one of the best large animal law enforcement agencies in the state of Texas. They quickly took him to a local vet who found that Hollis had a large mass in his throat. A tracheotomy started his breathing, but he would need surgery to save his life. For the brave little donkey fortune held once again. Texas A&M Large Animal Hospital would be willing to do the surgery, but the cost beyond the services provided would need to be paid. Travis County Sheriff’s department knew they could turn to us, Habitat for Horses, to help this Jenny and her baby donkey.

This morning, Wednesday October 8th, Dr. Lamb performed the laproscopic surgery to save baby Hollis’s life. It was much more complicated than originally thought. Although the mass was not cancerous, the baby donkey’s trachia collapsed during the procedure. Hollis’s life hung by a thread as Dr. Lamb and the surgical team completed the surgery. Unfortunately since his trachea collapsed during the operation, the vets are uncertain if all of the mass has been removed.

Hollis is an amazingly tough little guy. He is already back in the stall with his Mama. Tomorrow, the vets will see if he can breathe on his own without the trach tube. On Friday, if everything goes well, Hollis will be back in the surgical center. The doctors need to make certain all the mass is removed for Hollis to thrive.

As many of you know, we recently lost a lease for grazing land that our horses need. We have been working hard to fundraise so we could either buy or at least lease more land. However, there was no way we could turn Holiis and his Mama away. Hollis needed our help, and he still does. Multiple surgeries, tracheotomies, medicine, rehab…all of these things cost money. As information and new pictures come in, we promise to keep you updated. Share this story with your friends, with your family – Hollis needs your help. Your donation will mean so much to Hollis…and his Mama. Please click on the donation button below.  

POST DATE: 10/08/2014