We have to make space this holiday season for more equines in need and we could use your help. Will you be 1 of 500 supporters helping to equip a new TLC barn? Let’s close this year with more miracles — and remember, your gift is tax-deductible by 12/31!

Please help — we have 280 equines in our herd — some are fully rehabilitated and awaiting adoption, and others are still recovering like Coral and Crush (pictured here). But we have to make space this holiday season for more equines in need and we could use your help. Will you be 1 of 500 supporters helping to equip a new TLC area? Let’s close this year with more miracles — and remember, your gift is tax-deductible by 12/31!

Help us reach our 500 donor goal by 12/31

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2. Donor Information
3. Payment Information

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