A miracle For Hollis, the baby donkey.

That is exactly what Hollis needs – a miracle. The baby donkey has been fighting for his life since shortly after his birth. The doctors at Texas A&M are unable at the moment to do the operation he so desperately needs to save his life.
Many of you know the story now. How his Mama, a jenny, was found pregnant and wandering in Austin – starving and in desperate need of care. The good people of the Travis County Sheriff’s Office took her in. She gave birth to a beautiful donkey foal. The Deputies named him after one of their own, Senior Deputy Jessica Hollis, who lost her life while checking a low water crossing in Austin after a severe storm.
Just a few days after he was born, Hollis developed serious breathing problems. Dr. Norton at the Elgin Veternary Hospital realized that this baby donkey needed more help than they could give at her facility. Texas A&M and Dr. Lamb arranged for Hollis and his Mama to go to their Large Animal Hospital in College Station. Here there was the equipment and know-how needed to save his life. Habitat for Horses agreed to pick up the tab in order to make this happen.
The first operation, on Wednesday October 8th, failed – although much of the mass was removed, Hollis’s throat would not stay open. Dr. Lamb and his team chose to wait, giving the little guy time to recover.
Yesterday, on Thursday October 9th, the doctors removed the trach tube from Hollis’s neck. They nursed him for about 4 hours hoping he would be able to breath without the tracheotomy. Unfortunately the muscles in his neck were too weak and the swelling too great. The tube was replaced. The scope to see if any of the mass remained could not be completed.
This morning, Dr. Lamb and his team at Texas A&M removed the trach tube to check for more of the mass. Once again, Hollis’s trachea kept trying to collapse. Rather than risk his life, they chose to pull back and replace the trach tube in Hollis’s neck.

Another try at an operation to save his life will be made on Monday, October 13th. The doctors are hoping the baby’s throat will heal, for the swelling to go down and for the muscles around his trachea to strengthen.
Hollis needs us now more than ever. Your thoughts. Your prayers. Your support.
His Mama is still by his side, feeding and caring for her baby. The Travis County Sheriff’s Office that chose to give this little guy such a special name, the Vets at the Elgin Veterinary Hospital and Texas A & M – everyone is holding their breath – hoping – praying for a miracle.
Miracles do happen. We see them quite often here at Habitat for Horses. So many horses, burros, minis that come in will respond with tender loving care. Although sometimes they do not. We will not make any promises that Hollis will survive. We will promise to do everything we possibly can to make it happen. Your support – your donations make every aspect of this possible. Please give your support. And if you already have donated, please share this story with your friends. Hollis needs the love and support of the whole community if he is to survive.