Hollis, the baby donkey, October 12th update

Rescue Story

So far so good. Baby Hollis and his Mama are at the Texas A & M Large Animal Veterinary School Hospital. They are resting in the ICU Ward where they can be monitored 24 hours a day by the caring staff of Texas A & M. This morning I spoke with Dr. David Love, a Veterinary Intern Instructor, who is on the team caring for baby Hollis. He told us that Hollis is as spunky as ever – playing with his Mama, behaving like any other baby donkey.

The tracheotomy is still in place, giving Hollis’s throat time to heal from where the mass was removed. On Monday, the doctors will once again remove the trach tube to see if the baby donkey will breath without distress. Dr. Love explained that baby Hollis’s troubles are possibly more than just weak trachea muscles and more tissue – it is quite possible that the little guy has an epiglottic entrapment. This is a condition not typically seen in foals but can be fixed with surgery. If all goes well tomorrow with his breathing, by Tuesday the doctors will attempt

another scope of Hollis’s throat, looking for more tissue and an epiglottic entrapment. Then plans can be made with how best to deal with what they find. Chances are there is more surgery Hollis’s future. We are hoping that one day soon baby Hollis will be moved to the Habitat for Horses ranch with his Mama to finish his rehabilitation. From there, we can begin the effort of finding this feisty donkey and his Mama a new family and home to call their own.

We promise to keep you updated.  When we receive any word, we will let you know how this brave little foal is doing. All we can do now is keep this baby donkey in our thoughts and prayers. And be grateful for all the effort made on the part of the Travis County Sheriff’s Office, the Elgin Veterinary Hospital, the doctors and staff at Texas A & M and for all the supporters out there who made it possible for this little guy to have a second chance.

Thank you. ~ HfH

POST DATE: 10/12/2014