EIA in Dallas County, Texas, Horses: TAHC Issues Update


The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) has provided an update on equine infectious anemia (EIA) cases in Dallas County horses, the Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) reported Sept. 19. There have been three cases of EIA in Dallas County, Texas, horses since June.

“On June 13, TAHC, officials reported EIA in one Dallas County Quarter Horse,” the EDCC said. “Since that time, one additional horse from the quarantined premises has been confirmed positive for EIA.

“In addition, TAHC officials have confirmed EIA in another unrelated Dallas County Quarter Horse. The positive horses have been euthanized. The premises in Dallas county will remain under quarantine until requirements for release have been met.”

The statement said TAHC staff are working closely with owners and veterinarians to monitor potentially exposed horses and implement biosecurity measures.

Read more here.

POST DATE: 10/19/2018