CANA Foundation Takes Major Advertisement in “The Hill” to Thank Members of Congress


CANA Foundation Takes Major Advertisement in “The Hill” to Thank Members of Congress for Upholding Protections for Wild Horses Against Slaughter & Forms of Mass Killing

(Habitat for Horses is a member of the CANA Foundation)

To thank the Members of Congress who voted to uphold protections for wild horses and burros, CANA Foundation took out a major advertisement in “The Hill,” one of the top Political newspapers. The advertisement thanks these Members of Congress for upholding language protecting wild horses and burros in the Interior Appropriations Bill and for prohibiting USDA inspection funds for domestic horse slaughter plants in the Agriculture Appropriations Bill.

Washington leaders heard loud and clear that they needed to uphold protections for horses through to the end of 2018. 80% of Americans that agree with their decision; they know it makes no sense to spend over $80 million taxpayer dollars to roundup and warehouse wild horses in holding pens. They also know that if unregulated horse meat enters our food supply, our public health is gravely at risk. These citizens also know that wild horses play a crucial role in rewilding our dwindling public lands.

“While this is a major victory for our horse nation, habitats & humanity, our fight continues,” said Manda Kalimian, CANA Founder. “We must continue to look toward more permanent solutions to save our wild horse populations; which simultaneously protects public lands from the ever present land grab we are facing. At CANA Foundation, we believe that work begins with rewilding,” says Kalimian.

America’s wild horses are placeholders; protecting our nation’s public lands and the little open space we still have left against exploitative special interests. Without them we risk losing everything; the rights to our public land, the stability of our environment and our American values of life, liberty and freedom.

Our job is not done until America’s wild horses can live wild and free; fulfilling their natural role of rewilding our habitats and humanity!

We couldn’t attain victories like upholding these Federal protections, or placing these major advertisements without supporters like you. Thank you, CANA Supporters, for your continued commitment to the movement to save America’s Wild Horses so they can in turn, help to rewild our world.

POST DATE: 04/02/2018