Acer - the 22 inch tall horse who is just one of the family! (Video)


Good Sunday Morning to Ya’ll. Time for some happy / good / funny news. We love minis here at Habitat for Horses. In fact our “mascot” is Munchie, a wonderful mini, who makes trips to schools, senior centers …any place where he can put a smile on people’s faces. And yes, we have minis up for adoption as well – click here to find out more about that on our Burros and Minis Adoption Page. Here is a story of Acer, the dwarf horse, who loves being with his family at their mini horse farm:

From: Daily Mail UK
By: David Wilkes

He’s one of the family! At just 22 inches tall, the tiny horse who has the run of his owner’s house

  • Three-year-old Acer was born with dwarfism, caused by a recessive gene
  • The tiny horse is barely as big as his best friend – a labrador named Demon
  • Most dwarfism foals are put down because of health problems
  • But owner Maureen, who runs a horse farm, couldn’t bear to part with him
  • Now he lives with her and Demon at the farm in Corringham, Essex

Forget a draughty horse box or a muddy field. You’re more likely to find this little chap warming his flanks by the fire or nuzzling the crumbs under the kitchen table.

At 22 inches tall, Acer is perfect house pet size, and barely as big as his best friend, his owner’s black labrador, Demon.

As a result he enjoys all the comforts of home. Acer, now aged three, was born with dwarfism, caused by a recessive gene which only affects a foal when it is carried by both of the parents.

POST DATE: 10/05/2014